Saturday, December 31, 2011


bye bye 2011
and welcome 2012

i had gone through a lot in 2011.
i hope that this year 2012 will be a great year.
i am hoping that i will be better than before.
let the good in and the bad out.

i hope that i will have a stronger determination
to start all things with a new beginning.


p/s : rindu tengok fireworks putrajaya dengan kwn2 ;')

Thursday, December 29, 2011

christina perri : a thousand years

Heartbeats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I’m afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What’s standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed that I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years

I’ll love you for a thousand more

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

movie : the emperor's club

The emperor's club is a movie that i watched on tv.
It aired during the Christmas show special.
It is a story about an idealistic prep school teacher attempts
to redeem an incorrigible student.

I learned that in life people must have the strong will of gaining what they want.
Some people may take shortcuts to success.
Some may cheat and some may lie.
Of course they will win.

But, we always knew that they are not the true winner.
True winner is the one who is willing to try with all their heart.
Someone who has patience to go through all the challenges in life.

It is amazing to know that we students, can grow up
and be as successful as we can.
We can be a prime minister, a CEO of a company and even a billionaire.
But, our teachers are still teachers.
They are still teaching and motivating other students
to pursue what they want.

i love you teachers !

Monday, December 19, 2011

i am so sorry.

i lost it.
i truly appologise to you.
it has been very careless on my side
and i promise that i will never do it again.

will you frgive me ?

hanis syakila :)

malam ni tbe tbe nk ckp roomate ak yang sorg ni.
aku dah dua sem dpt satu blik ngn ni first time ckp psl dye. this is hanis syakila :)

a crazily funny and sporting girl.

always funny yet still someone tht i can lean on during hard times.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

nothing matter.

wht more can be done.
is it me? is it u?
nothing matter anymore.
things would never be same as they were.

i do think that giving up is the best thing.
but, i know that i couldn't even bear the future ahead.

Friday, December 9, 2011

bajet hot?

setelah sekian lame ak tk update blog.
tibe2 hari ni rase nk update.
knape?sebab aku rase tk puas hati

first skali aku tk faham kenape nk wjudkn blog utk gosip sbp.
perlu ke smue tu.?
ntah hape hape.
kitorang ni bukannye bahan gosip ke ape.

budak sbp bajet hot?
ape ni?

aku nk cakap yg kami ni bukannye bagus sgt.
kami tk perfect and tk pernah rase mcm tu pon.
serious bende ni tk patut ditimbulkn pn.

tolonglah bt bnde yg lebih berfaedah drpd dk stalk2 budak sbp.
macam psycho je doe.

yes.aku ssp.
kami tk mntak sebarang pujian pn.

stop la pliss.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

menuju kegilaan yang melampau

macam mana aku nak describe ape yang aku rase sekarang eh?
pagi2 buta lagi si leen dah kejut aku suroh check result.
anismaliza pon same.
alhamdulillah dua2 pon lulus.

yang tu cerita diorang.
yang aku ni pulak rase macam nak pecah2 kan je skrin monitor ni.
emm.result aku okay je actually.
tapi agak menyakitkan hati.
sikit je lagi.

wahai mr.account, kenape la anda tidak memberikan kerjasama?
haha.dah nak gila dah ni.
ni semua aku punye pasal.
orang duk sibuk2 study aku maen2.
padan muke.

parents aku okay je bile aku bgtau td.
tapi kalau abang and kakak ak tk sure lah.

tapi ape2 pon aku terime la result ni.
boleh try lagi tahun depan.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

teringat gelagat mereka.

last meeting with our class monitor

kelas terbaik ?
that's us :D

suzy,wa and mirala.
even tido pon exam selalu je score.

merr and tikhus :)
our queen of sleeping in class.haha.
mmg takde yang boleh lawan korang.

the lovelies with some still missing <3

ni la keje kami bila cikgu takde.
deskmates :)

agaknye ni la kelas yang paling aku ingat sampai bila bila.
dekat kelas ni la kitorang habeskan masa yang tinggal kat sana sama-sama.


bila rindu.

aura yang memecah semesta
menyampaikan pesan kesunyian di kala sendirian
kesepian yang menyelubungi hari-hariku
disajikan dalam doa-doa rindu
yang menanti kau datang dan pergi
seperi mimpi-mimpiku, fantasiku
bukan dongeng lagi yang sayup kedengaran
di sisi cuping di setiap corong
lorong yang lohong
benar ku tak bohong
bila hati menyanyi
bila rindu

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


macam ni la manusia.
bile happy macam2 jnji ade.
itu la ini la.
nk bt tu la nk bt ini la.
well.tgh happy kn.
mcm tu lah.

tapi bile ade mslh,
tk pulak cari jalan nk selesaikn.
bt keputusan sndiri pulak tu.
em.bagi ak, smue mslh bleh selesai asl bncg elok2.
bg ak jgk satu keputusan tu xbleh di buat time kite tgh marah or sedih.


sbb bile kite tgh mrh or sedih
keputusan yg dibuat tu selalunye mnjurus ke arah bnde yg lbih negatif.
bukannye mnyelesaikn masalah.
tapi memburukkan lagi keadaan.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


sekarang pukul 6.30 pm.
hujan pulak. sejukk giler.
dahla dk sorg2 je kt rumah.
mak,ayh n abg pegi hspital.huhu.
tggl la ak sorg2 kt rumah ni.
terfikir plak nk tulis blog.

kdg2 ak terfikir, ak ni org yg mcm mn eh?
agk2 org suka ak tak?
klau yg bnci mybe la ade.
tp. lagi rmai yg bnci ke yg suka?
mcm mn nk buat orang suke kite?


dlm hidup ni kite xbleh nk hlg org utk bnci kite.
x bleh jgk nk puaskn hati semue org.
ape yg kite bleh bt adalah melakukan yg terbaik shj.
jangan cari psl dgn org.jgn saketkn hati org.
jadi diri sndiri.x payah dk bt2 baek or try to be someone else.
sbb ape?
dgn cara ni je org akn suke kite sbb diri kite yg sbnrnye.
org akn mghargai kite utk siape kite yg sbnrnye.

jd diri sndiri.

ak rase ak dh jd yg terbaek yg ak bleh jd.
ak tk suke ikut je ape yg org ckp.x kesah bnde tu bnde baek ke buruk.
bagi ak, kalau ak nk bt sesuatu bnde, adlh sbb ak yg nk bt.
sbb ak tw, ak jgk yg kene tnggung semue bnde yg akn jd after ak bt sesuatu keputusan.
at the end of the day, ak takkan salahkn org laen klau jadi ape ape.

tserah kt org laen utk fikir dari sudut dorg sdiri.
biarla ape yg org nk nilai dkt ak.
yg ak taw, ak takkan mnyusahkan sape sape.

Friday, October 21, 2011

...speechless friday...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

forgive me.

My heart just wants to say sorry
please know that I want to make things right again
I know i have hurt you and
it has been very mean on my part

Letting U know,
that i am repentant fr everything that happened between us
and how much I'm wishing fr things to be the same
as they were

All i want to do is to apologize with all my heart.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

no more you.

i am hpy to see u hpy with the person who i think is the best fr u.
it is obvious that u are crazy about her, which is a good thing.
i hope fr the best fr both of u even if i have to admit that i am quite jealous.haha:D

they said,
"u will never realize how much u like someone,
until u watch him liking someone else"

this is so TRUEEE !!!

rumors !

we are really excited since majaka is coming.
but what??
majaka cancel?

well, i think that is the most frustrating thing that I've ever heard.
how come majaka tk jadi?
mcm ntah pape je.

ktrg pnylah beriyer plan nk jmpe time majaka.dh siap cari trnspot and tmpt nk stay bagai.
kejadahnye cancel plak?


alasan sekolah, our prncipal tk nak students kelam kabut sbb time 2 tgh exam.
ape kaitn lak? bkn budak2 pmr ke yg in charge majaka ni.
so, there shouldn't be any problem la kn?

dgr2, majaka dh dtukar dgn event laen.
karnival sukan.?
boring boring boring.

p/s: bnde ni still lagi dlm pertmbangan pihak sklh.
em, sbr la ye kwn2..

Saturday, October 15, 2011

hey you !

i just dont know what to do or what to say anymore.
i guess my advices wont work right?


its not like i dont care about your hobbies or anything.
but i am just concern about your safety.
i know that i am not the right person to stop you from doing anything.
so, that is why i act like i dont care, even if i do care a lot.

dear mr. hafizi,
i know that you are reading this.
please, take a great care of yourself.

p/s: sory is for your own sake jgk laa.


"mas ! jom g koop. lapar laaa"
"em.ok2.jap2.ak nk amek brg ak jp.tggu ak kt dpn koop eh.jap ag ak dtg bwk knci"

ak ngn deelot pn cpt2 kemas la untg ade knci koop.hari2 bleh msk koop tu.haha.x kesah la mlm ke ptg ke subuh pn bleh.haha.time tu dh nk hbes prep mlm.smue dk ajk ak pegi koop.ak pn plik gk.asal la minah2 ni beriyer sgt hari ni.slalu dorg amek je mlm ni beriyer lak ajk ak pegi same.lps tu,smpai je kt dpn koop ak plik mcm rmai yg nk pegi.asl ade kitrg je.hmm.

"mas, xbleh bkak la padlock ni.kau la try bukak"

then, ak pn bkak la.mmg la dpt.malu la presiden x pndai bkk knci koop.huhu.
lps tu, ak pn bkak la lmpu.

tibe tibe !!


haha.mmg bajet gile la dorg nie.pttla dk sengih2 je spnjg prep mlm tu.rupenye dh ade plan nk celebrate bday ak n deelot.haha.dahla bt time prep, klau wardens dpt tw, mmg ak la org ptama yg akn kne mrh ngn dorg naseb baekla dorg ni pndai plan syp2.tkdela kntoi ngn wrdens.

"happy birthday to u
happy birthday to u
happy birthday to mas n deelot
happy birthday to u !!!"

smbil dorg pegang kek secret recipe yg sdp gile tu dorg nynyi.
xtaw la mcm mn ak nk dscribe ape yg ak n deelot rase time 2.mmg hpy tu xyh nk crite la kn.
tp ktrg rase btuah gile la.


even mase tu kite smue tgh ade knflik cket yg ak pn dh x igt dh psl ape.korg still bleh igt nk clbrte.honestly, i thought that u guys were mad at me.but, it really shows that no matter what happens, we are there for each other.

to myzack,faeq,yana,ieka,shiema,fasyiq and mun,
seriously, thank you :')

if u read this, i want u to know that,

imysm :')

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

all the best :)

gdluck to those people who are going to sit fr their STAM tmrw.
especially to my two great friends,
mr. izzat zakwan and mr. mohd nur aidil.
do your very best.i know you can do it!
fighting !

Monday, October 10, 2011

lalala :)

terima kaseh en. hafizi :)

a whole day trip.

final exam x habes pn lg.ktrg dh beriyer2 bt trip plak.huhu.
actually bende ni tk plan pon.tgh ktrg dk sebok mkn2 megi,tbe2 ntah mcm mane ntah bleh terfikir nk overnite kt rumah tirah.semate2 sbb nk mkn je sbnrnye.haha:)

rasenye smua org happy hari tu.walaupun dlm kereta tu sampai ade 8+1 org including adam si hensem.hehe.
bak kate trah hamdan, "kite kn snsd"huhu.

tkkan lupe pnye lah :)

jmpe lagi semester depan :D

hello hello.

haha.akhirnya, slps stahun x updte blog.
tibe2 rndu nk blogging blk.

welcome back :)ngee.